
At Proactive MD, we believe in care that extends beyond clinic walls. Everyday, our clinical teams and Patient Advocates work to assist patients in getting access to prescriptions, medical supplies, food, financial assistance, mental health programs and workforce navigation. We believe in whole-person wellbeing, and that includes everything from mental health to financial wellness.

One of the most common sources of stress for people is the state of their finances. Things like creating a monthly budget and keeping track of your expenses may not sound very fun, but they will give you peace of mind and help keep you relaxed if you are worried about your spending habits. Cutting costs can help you do more with the money you have by allowing you to focus spending money on things that really matter to you.

Although financial circumstances can vary greatly from person to person, here are some general tips to help you get better at money management:

Stick to a Budget

Spending a little time at least once a week to review your expenses and update a monthly budget for yourself will help you figure out where most of your money is going and will help you see where you should be cutting back.

Put Money Into a Savings Account

One of the easiest ways to save is to put about 10% of your income into a savings account every month. It’s a small enough amount that you won’t miss it, but large enough to grow significantly over time.

Limit eating out and plan out your meals for the week

Eating and drinking out just a few times a week can really add up, so try your best to avoid it when you can. By planning and making your own meals for the week, you’ll be eating a little healthier and you’ll know exactly what you need to buy when you go to the grocery store, which will help cut out unnecessary purchases.

Pay with Cash

When you use a credit card, it can be hard to realize how much you’re actually spending. Carrying cash can help you spend less, especially when you look at the small purchases– like coffee– that can add up quickly.

Cut Out Unnecessary Expenses

Less is more! Think about whether you really need everything that you’re paying for and look for cheaper alternatives wherever you can. For example, cutting out something like cable will help you save a significant amount of money over time, and you won’t even miss it with all the streaming services you can use to replace it.

We know that COVID-19 might be impacting your financial wellness. If you are in need of support, reach out to your clinical team who can provide guidance for accessing local community resources. We also have a free guide to national community resources here.